
Auroom is a premium sauna manufacturer based in Estonia.

They’re owned by Thermory, the global leader in the thermal modification of wood and a leading supplier of sauna wood and materials. At Sauna Marketplace, we’ve explored every inch of these sauna kits and prebuilt saunas. We’ve assembled them in the field. We’ve visited customers who have invited us over for a sweat.

We like to say that while no wood product is perfect, we’re still looking for one. The quality control at both Auroom and Thermory is astonishing. We have sided our own homes in Thermory products and had 0% waste. That means every inch of every board was useable.

The thermal modification process involves putting the wood through a pressurized chamber with extreme heat and humidity to change the wood at a cellular level. That makes it more stable and durable. It also gives the wood a more exotic look.

All Auroom saunas can be completely customized in a process that begins with a planning session on Sauna Marketplace. Book yours today!

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